(250) 485-8902 info@caldercounselling.ca

Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts

Utilizing expressive arts in therapy can facilitate: stress relief, reduce anxiety, help process difficult emotions and solve problems, heal from grief and loss, and integrate trauma into a meaningful narrative of resilience. Often people have difficulty expressing intense emotions or putting words to difficult experiences. Expressive arts (visual art, drawing, music, dance, play, drama, writing, poetry) can help you express that which is hard to discuss or verbalize. You DO NOT need to be an artist to benefit from this type of therapy. An open mind and willingness to explore are helpful here.



– Paper, felt markers, colored pencils, pastels (this is often sufficient to begin our work)

– Magazine or computer images, scissors, glue

– Paint supplies, clay, embellishments, if available or desired

– Small found objects from home or nature

– Favorite piece of music or lyrics, drum

– Some space to moveĀ